Meeting Space
Our conference rooms are available to 501(c)(3) non-profit groups such as government, school, and church groups. We are available for daytime group use Monday through Saturday. Our monastic grounds are quiet, peaceful and green with trees and other plants. Since January 2007, our monastic grounds have been smoke-free; you’ll enjoy breathing our fresh air. We […]
Gift Certificate
A gift purchased for someone you would like to bless with a retreat, program or spiritual direction. Several options, listed at right, are available. Contact the Center for more information. 360-438-2595
Hybrid: Contemplative Rest Practice on First Saturdays Monthly
With M Freeman
This Contemplative Rest Practice series is open to those who have taken a Contemplative Rest retreat with M Freeman. Each session offers opportunities for awe-savoring, somatic, guided meditations by M and silent resting-in-awe practice together as well as gentle time for group sharing, connecting, and cherishing the transporting benefit of communal contemplative practice. “All living […]
Forest Therapy --Winter/Spring
With Kathy Holley, -PhD
Forest Therapy walks at St. Placid Priory “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye...” (Genesis 2: 9a) About Our 4 Seasonal Forest Therapy Walks (also known as Forest Bathing or Shinrin-yoku) We invite you to experience the natural beauty of […]
Ora et Labora: Care for our earth
With Angela Hoffman, OSB, PhD
Prayer and work are key to St. Benedict’s way of life. We will begin by prayer, reflection and discussion comparing Benedict’s and our current understanding of planet earth and how we can care for it. After Noon praise and lunch with the Sisters, we will work outside and return inside to wrap up. This program […]
Daily Life as Spiritual Practice - A Day Apart
With Monty Smith and Jerry DeVore
We, our planet, every one and everything on it, are feeling the distress of our times - a poly-crises. In this, many of us aren’t sure how to create positive impact in our communities , let alone skillfully pray and care for ourselves and our families. In this day apart we will visit ancient practices […]
Mindful Eating as a Christian Practice
With Rosemarie Oliver, OblSB
As Christians, we meet God, the source of Love, in the Now. This three days Mindfulness retreat involves paying attention in the present moment without judgment and with self-compassion. A practice of mindful eating can increase our sense of the divine indwelling throughout our day. It can also help us access the inner wisdom of […]
Forest Therapy --Spring/Summer
With Kathy Holley, -PhD
Forest Therapy walks at St. Placid Priory “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye...” (Genesis 2: 9a) About Our 4 Seasonal Forest Therapy Walks (also known as Forest Bathing or Shinrin-yoku) We invite you to experience the natural beauty of God’s […]
Ora et Labora: Care for our earth --Labor Day
With Angela Hoffman, OSB, PhD
Prayer and work are key to St. Benedict’s way of life. We will begin by prayer, reflection and discussion comparing Benedict’s and our current understanding of planet earth and how we can care for it. After Noon praise and lunch with the Sisters, we will work outside and return inside to wrap up. This program […]
Forest Therapy --Summer/Fall
With Kathy Holley, -PhD
Forest Therapy walks at St. Placid Priory “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye...” (Genesis 2: 9a) About Our 4 Seasonal Forest Therapy Walks (also known as Forest Bathing or Shinrin-yoku) We invite you to experience the natural beauty of God’s […]
Forest Therapy --Fall/Winter
With Kathy Holley, -PhD
Forest Therapy walks at St. Placid Priory “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye...” (Genesis 2: 9a) About Our 4 Seasonal Forest Therapy Walks (also known as Forest Bathing or Shinrin-yoku) We invite you to experience the natural beauty of God’s […]