Weekend Program
Meeting Space
Our conference rooms are available to 501(c)(3) non-profit groups such as government, school, and church groups. We are available for daytime group use Monday through Saturday. Our monastic grounds are quiet, peaceful and green with trees and other plants. Since January 2007, our monastic grounds have been smoke-free; you’ll enjoy breathing our fresh air. We […]
Gift Certificate
A gift purchased for someone you would like to bless with a retreat, program or spiritual direction. Several options, listed at right, are available. Contact the Center for more information. 360-438-2595
Weekend Silent Centering Prayer Retreat: Sitting with the Desert Fathers and Mothers
With Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden, OSB
This retreat is the perfect place for those new to Centering Prayer and silent retreats to begin, as well as for experienced practitioners to have a chance to sit with others and experience a weekend of silence and rest. We will gather on Friday night at 7:00 to set our intention for the weekend and […]
The Art of Heart and Soul
With Cathy Raymond
The Art of Heart and Soul is a small group experience to explore your spirituality. Come spend time exploring your heart and soul. This adventure is for anyone who is searching, seeking, exploring their spirituality. There is no experience required artistically or otherwise. No experience or familiarity with spiritual direction is needed. Persons of all […]
Hybrid: Contemplative Rest Practice on First Saturdays Monthly
With M Freeman
This Contemplative Rest Practice series is open to those who have taken a Contemplative Rest retreat with M Freeman. Each session offers opportunities for awe-savoring, somatic, guided meditations by M and silent resting-in-awe practice together as well as gentle time for group sharing, connecting, and cherishing the transporting benefit of communal contemplative practice. “All living […]
The Sacred Art of the Line: An Exploration of Making Lines on Paper______
With Monika Ellis, OSB
The Line. What is it? How is it used? What is its history? We will be drawing lines, looking at lines, and talking about lines in this retreat day. Come for philosophical discussion and some fun! This Retreat is for anyone who wants to spend a relaxed day with ink and paper. No art background […]
Humility and Intimacy with God
With Laura Swan, OSB
For St Benedict, growth in humility is actually about intimacy with God. He was down to earth about what the journey away from ego and wounds to a healthy deep relationship with God. We will explore the Rule of St Benedict -RB 7 in light of this inner journey. This retreat is for any seeker, […]
Winter P.A.U.S.E. retreat: Christian Contemplative Prayer and Spiritual Formation
With Kathy Holley, PhD
About our 4 seasonal P.A.U.S.E. retreats (P.A.U.S.E.—Prayer and Understanding Silent Experiences) We warmly invite you to our 4 seasons of P.A.U.S.E. retreats—sacred opportunities to appreciate the seasons, rest, reflect, and nurture your connection with God. These retreats center on Christian contemplative prayer, offering space for spiritual formation, soul care, holistic healing, and deepening faith. Guided […]
Hybrid: Jesus in Nature: Monastic Images of an Earthy Christ
With Samuel Torvend
The call to care for our common home, the earth, invites Christians to consider the image of Jesus who was and is among us – in, with, and through nature’s seasons. In this retreat, participants will consider the work of Benedict of Nursia, the Venerable Bede, Walafrid Strabo, and Hildegard of Bingen – Benedictines whose […]
Sacred Sisterhood: Celebrating and Nurturing the Spiritual gift of Friendship
With Laree Winer
This retreat, inspired by Joan Chittister's The Friendship of Women, offers a unique opportunity for women to explore sacred bonds and deepen friendships through spiritual practices, meaningful discussions, and creative activities. Adult women of any age, friends could come together, mothers and daughters, sisters, and cousins all might like to attend. Your facilitator will share […]
Daily Life as Spiritual Practice - A Day Apart
With Monty Smith and Jerry DeVore
We, our planet, every one and everything on it, are feeling the distress of our times - a poly-crises. In this, many of us aren’t sure how to create positive impact in our communities , let alone skillfully pray and care for ourselves and our families. In this day apart we will visit ancient practices […]