Zoom Program
Gift Certificate
A gift purchased for someone you would like to bless with a retreat, program or spiritual direction. Several options, listed at right, are available. Contact the Center for more information. 360-438-2595
Hybrid: Contemplative Rest Practice on First Saturdays Monthly
With M Freeman
This Contemplative Rest Practice series is open to those who have taken a Contemplative Rest retreat with M Freeman. Each session offers opportunities for awe-savoring, somatic, guided meditations by M and silent resting-in-awe practice together as well as gentle time for group sharing, connecting, and cherishing the transporting benefit of communal contemplative practice. “All living […]
Humility and Intimacy with God
With Laura Swan, OSB
For St Benedict, growth in humility is actually about intimacy with God. He was down to earth about what the journey away from ego and wounds to a healthy deep relationship with God. We will explore the Rule of St Benedict -RB 7 in light of this inner journey. This retreat is for any seeker, […]
Hybrid: Jesus in Nature: Monastic Images of an Earthy Christ
With Samuel Torvend
The call to care for our common home, the earth, invites Christians to consider the image of Jesus who was and is among us – in, with, and through nature’s seasons. In this retreat, participants will consider the work of Benedict of Nursia, the Venerable Bede, Walafrid Strabo, and Hildegard of Bingen – Benedictines whose […]
Zoom: Prayer Practices Certification Program 2025-2026
With St. Placid Sisters
Prayer Practices is a 2 years (20 sessions -40 hours) certificate program to explore a wide variety of ways to approach a prayerful life. You will learn to connect with the sacred in diverse ways in order to help guide others. If you are a spiritual director, pastor, counselor or work in a ministry, different […]
Oasis 2025-2026
With Paz Vital, OSB, PhD, Monika Ellis, OSB, Anna-Camille Wooden, OSB, Sonja Weber, OSB, Laura Swan, OSB and Julian Cleary OSB
Do you yearn for rest, prayer and nurturing in your busy schedule? What would your life look like if you gave yourself or/& to a beloved one two retreat opportunities at the Center, plus six quiet afternoons during the year? Silence, spiritual direction and Lectio Divina are available to aid your reflection. Every Third Thursday […]