Intensive Silent Centering Prayer Retreat

With Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden, OSB and Michele Jankanish

November 10 - 15, 2024

Date and Time Details: Begins 7:00 pm Sunday, November 10 and Ends 1:00 pm Friday, November 15

Contact: Sr Anna Camille Wooden

  • $725.00 – Includes Program, Meals & Lodging. A deposit of $100.00 upon registration will secure a place in the retreat. $50.00 is refundable if you cancel before the balance due date of October 28th. Partial scholarships are available.

This retreat, called an “Intensive Retreat” by Contemplative Outreach, provides an opportunity to deepen your established Centering Prayer practice in an atmosphere of silence and community, away from the busyness of daily life, and to allow your mind, body and spirit to surrender to God’s presence and action within. It has an educational component to immerse you both in the practice of Centering Prayer and, increasingly, in the conceptual background of the spiritual practice.

Each day there will be about three and a half hours of Centering Prayer, ranging from 20 to 30-minute periods of prayer, some back-to-back with a contemplative walk in between. In addition, participants will view videos from the Thomas Keating “Spiritual Journey” video series. Except for opening and closing times, silence will be observed throughout the retreat, including at meals. Participants can choose to remain in silence after the videos or participate in a short sharing session on the teaching.


A more detailed note will be sent to registrants before the retreat with suggestions for deepening interior silence.


About the Facilitator

Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden, OSB

Sr. Anna-Camille is a Benedictine sister in the St. Placid community where she is co-director of Oblates, assistant archivist, program presenter, community grocery shopper and part of the care team for the monastery cat. She has a long time Centering Prayer practice, is a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer, an experienced retreat leader, and is […]

Learn more about Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden, OSB

Michele Jankanish

Michele is a long-time practitioner of Centering Prayer and a commissioned presenter of the Centering Prayer Introductory Program as well as a facilitator of Centering Prayer groups and retreats. She has also served the community as Coordinator of Contemplative Outreach Northwest and a member of the Contemplative Outreach Centering Prayer Group Facilitator Support Service Team.

Learn more about Michele Jankanish

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