Ora et Labora: Care for our earth --Labor Day

With Angela Hoffman, OSB, PhD

September 1, 2025

Date and Time Details: Monday September 1st, 10 - 3 pm

Location: The Priory Spirituality Center

Address: 500 College Street Northeast, Olympia, WA, USA

Contact: Spirituality Center

  • $20.00 – Program Price & Lunch

Prayer and work are key to St. Benedict’s way of life. We will begin by prayer, reflection and discussion comparing Benedict’s and our current understanding of planet earth and how we can care for it. After Noon praise and lunch with the Sisters, we will work outside and return inside to wrap up.

This program is for anyone who is interested in our care for the earth and all of God’s creation. Ideally, the person would be reasonably mobile and able to walk and/or work outside. Families welcome, (may include older children with a parent).

What to expect in the retreat? Time for prayer and reflection, noon praise and lunch with the Sisters and time to work outside on trails and/or around the monastery grounds. You may bring your own gloves and tools, if you don’t have, don’t worry  we have gloves and tools for you.

About the Facilitator

Angela Hoffman, OSB, PhD

Sister Angela Hoffman is currently the Prioress at St. Placid Priory and is very interested in our environment. She cleared the original paths on the Priory property in the 1960s and is still involved in their care. She is emerita from the University of Portland where she taught chemistry for nearly 34 years. Sister’s many […]

Learn more about Angela Hoffman, OSB, PhD

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