P.A.U.S.E. retreat: Prayer and Understanding Silent Experiences

With Kathy Holley, PhD

November 23, 2024

Date and Time Details: Saturday, Nov 23, 2024 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Contact: Sr Paz Vital
360 438-2595

  • $75.00 – Includes Program & lunch

At our P.A.U.S.E. retreat, we gather to rest, explore Christian Contemplative Prayer, and set our intention on being present together in God’s omnipresence. While conversing with God in prayer is vital, contemplative rest in His presence is equally important for fostering an intimate connection with Him. Within this Christian discipline are elements of spiritual formation, soul care, holistic healing, deepening faith, and knowing God: “…Be still, and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10).

During our retreat, we pause from the busyness of life, releasing distractions to gain a deeper understanding of resting silently in God’s presence and receiving rest and refreshment for our souls. While there will be time for silent prayer, the retreat as such will not be focused on silence, but rather a time for learning, fellowship, and a holistic, nourishing P.A.U.S.E: Prayer and Understanding Silent Experiences.

A P.A.U.S.E. retreat offers time for:

  • learning about Christian Contemplative Prayer and its relation to both holistic well-being, and embodiment (body, mind, and spirit).
  • deepening our understanding of the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of spending time with God not only in verbal prayer, but also in the stillness and silence.
  • pausing from life’s busyness and resting with God in the silence because He is already present and waiting there.


~Be blessed and strengthened in the stillness of God’s presence~

(Isaiah 30:15; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, NIV)

About the Facilitator

Kathy Holley, PhD

Dr. Kathy Holley is a speaker, retreat facilitator, educator, and author of: The Prayer of Silence. With a focus on Christian Contemplative Prayer, Wellbeing, and Embodiment, Kathy is dedicated to helping Christians deepen their understanding and practice of resting in God’s presence. As the founder of Wellbeing in Nature NW and a certified Forest Therapy […]

Learn more about Kathy Holley, PhD

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