
Spiritual Direction

Open Dates

* These fields are required

1 Sliding Scale Payment

Select a price option *

2 Participant Info

Include dashes please
Include dashes please
You must schedule a session directly with your spiritual director.
We allow cancellations up to one week in advance for a full refund. If a cancellation is made less than seven days prior to the registered dates, the deposit is nonrefundable.

3 Make a Donation

Please enter your donation amounts below
Why Donate?
Donations to the Priory Spirituality Center are used to support our ministry of the spiritual growth and formation of adults. They also allow us to provide scholarships for those in ministry or for anyone undergoing financial hardship to find peace and connection with God by attending one of our programs or retreats. Thank you for donating!

4 Payment

Choose to pay a deposit or the full amount right now.

Month    Year 
usually a 3 digit code on back of card