Zoom-From We to Me: Hello Widowhood

With Suzy Petty

June 2, 2020

Date and Time Details: 1:00 pm -3:00 pm June 2,2020 Tuesday

  • $25.00 – Scholarships Available
When a spouse passes away, no one really understands that loss except someone who also has gone through the experience.   Suzy Petty has a heart for a widows fellowship specifically designed as one widow to another. Join in session 1 entitled My Faith and Me from the privacy and comfort of your own home with others who truly are seeking to process and learn how to embrace the changes life is now bringing to you. This group is for recent and not so recent widows or for those with a spouse who is on their final journey. It might just be you now, but you are not alone.
Follow-up sessions and topics will be announced.

About the Facilitator

Suzy Petty

Suzy Petty is the founder of Good Grief, a program designed to provide emotional and spiritual encouragement to widows and wives of husbands on their final journey.  She has a heart for addressing the needs around her including accompanying hospice patients, feeding the homeless, visiting the sick, and leading prayer groups.

Learn more about Suzy Petty

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